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Releen 2.0 In-Line Foley Catheter Ch20 Male 40cm Each

Product Code: UDCO770-1

$25.00 (GST Free)

Category: Catheter

Brand: Releen

Product Description

This is a Long Term Catheter - Up to 12 weeks indwelling time (Approx. 3 months).

Product description

Releen Inline Foley Catheter is 100% silicone, has a radiopaque line for easy x-ray viewing, removing the need for dye.

Key benefits:

  • Integrated balloon, providing less ridging for easier catheter insertion as the balloon is in line with the catheter wall.
  • Short bullet-tip, providing solid tip for easy insertion. Gentle to the bladder mucosa.
  • Smooth eyelets - no lumps or bumps that crystal sediments can adhere to, which reduces risk of eyelets blocking.