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Eliminate germs quickly, conveniently, and without soap or water. The Aqium Hand Sanitisers available from Superior Healthcare kill 99.99% of germs to leave your hands clean and hygienic. Take Aqium Hand Sanitisers with you wherever you go and take advantage of an Australian made hospital strength formula. Aqium Hand Sanitisers also moisturise your skin to promote soft hands and prevent dry skin.

Aqium is recognised as Australia’s number one pharmacy brand when it comes to alcohol-based, antibacterial hand sanitisers. Available in a range of sizes, you can put Aqium Hand Sanitisers in a bag, a backpack, or your purse. You can use Aqium Hand Sanitisers to clean your hands on the go, whether you’re about to eat a takeaway meal or you need to change your child’s nappy.

Shop online now for Aqium Hand Sanitisers from Superior Healthcare or contact us for product alternatives. Our team can offer you the best advice on personal hygiene and sanitising products for healthcare environment